The Empress
I haven't posted any new content here lately since life has been a little chaotic. I typically share reviews of new or favorite tarot decks and I have so many to cover in future posts but for now I thought I would share a favorite card.
The Empress!
In many tarot decks The Empress is depicted as a woman, pregnant, which is attributed to fertility. While that representation is true, The Empress also represents beauty, nurturing, femininity, abundance and creative expression. When The Empress comes up in my personal practice it is all about creativity. I love projecting my love of tarot through still photography and it all starts with a deck.
Once I have the deck, my process is to look through the cards, study them and get to know each card. I'll choose a card or two that really stands out to me. At that point, I'll find random items to incorporate into the photo whether it's books, coffee, trinkets, flowers, candles or jewelry. From there I just let the creativity and imagination flow. Some days it works out and some days it doesn't. Some days I'm really proud of the images I've created and other days I throw my hands up and hope it's better next time.
Through this creative process I've managed to minimize my anxiety and share my love of tarot with others. I hope to inspire the viewer with my images and although I'm not a teacher of tarot, I hope to shed some light on what tarot means to me and my own personal view of each card meaning. If you'd like to see more of what I share come find me on Instagram! @bloomingbridget
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