Maison No. 9 Wine

 I won't pretend to know anything about wine but what I do know is that I love it and I drink it. You can say I'm a fan. I'm also a fan of Post Malone and tarot cards, the three things that bring me to write this blog post. I read an article that said Post Malone created the Maison No. 9 wine based on his favorite tarot card the nine of swords, if that's a true story then I just became a SUPER fan! 

wine = love
tarot = love
post = love

White wines are my favorite wines, specifically Moscato flavors because I love the sweeter wines. I do love a good Riesling and most red wines give me migraines, that basically covers my knowledge of wines. The Maison No. 9 is a beautiful blend of bitter and sweet and I do love the taste but more then the wine itself I'm swooning over the bottle! I love the long slender look, the beautiful white lettering and especially the perfectly designed sword with the rose vine running through it. My favorite thing about this bottle though, it has a glass cork. I've never seen a wine bottle with a glass cork in my life! It's simply gorgeous. 

Anyway, as soon as I heard about this wine I knew I had to get a bottle or two so the very day it was supposed to be on the liquor store shelves I was standing in line. The problem was, there was no Maison No. 9 on the liquor store shelves. It wasn't on any shelf of any liquor store in the entire state of Utah! I checked every store day after day for two weeks, then every week after that. I finally gave up until my daughter sent me a picture over the weekend of all the Maison No. 9 wine bottles at the liquor store by her house. She bought me two bottles. She's an angel. Hopefully our liquor stores are finally getting shipments and I'll definitely be on the lookout for a few more bottles. 


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